
Swaziland is a developing country in Sub-Saharan Africa with 74% poor, where approximately 79% poor people live in rural areas. Unemployment is also very high at 47% where many young people between of 23-35 years are unemployed. HIH SA started working in Swaz i land in 2010 in Shiselweni. Through funding from Sparbanken Oresund Executives from Sweden, HIH has been able to expand this programme to four regions in Swaziland.

Onsite Images

Thulile Ngcemphala

Thulile Ngcemphala, Maphiling Vhiefdom,
Siphofaneni, Swaziland, growing and selling

Joyce Vilakazi

Joyce Vilakazi, Mkhwenyna, Nkwene Constituency
Swaziland, Watering Maize and other vegetables.